List of Grants Awarded
1.) Research study on airway management in Children- Translaryngeal Jet Ventilation in Pediatric Model.
2.) Funding for the International Paramedic Exchange Program between the United States and West Germany in which four paramedics have participated.
3.) Acquisition of EMS training equipment (including Chris Clean CPR manikins).
4.) Purchase of a Triac Centrifuge system (blood analysis equipment used in basic research).
5.) Research study on a new approach to detecting, measuring and treating carbon monoxide poisoning called, “NMR Spectroscopy as Objective Correlate in Carbon Monoxide Toxicity.”
6.) Funding for International Disaster Medicine expedition to Costa Rica following a devastating earthquake.
7.) Research study of sepsis (a blood infection) in the elderly conducted at West Penn Hospital.
8.) Research study called, “An Experimental Algorithm versus Standard ACLS in a Swine Model of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest.”
9.) Research study on the effects of Disulfiram on the Metabolism of Ethylene Glycol.
10.) Research on the, “Use of cardiocerebral-protective drug cocktail prior to countershock following prolonged ventricular fibrillation.”
11.) Research study on a “Comparison of Various Ventilation Devices in a Swine Pneumothorax.”
12.) Research study on the, “Quality Indicators for Emergency Medical Services: The Paramedic’s Perspective.”
13.) Research study on, “Lower Esophageal Sphincter Pressure during Prolonged Cardiac Arrest.”
14.) Travel Expenses for a Pittsburgh paramedic to travel to Portland to present research on, “Heat Exposure of Prehospital Medications: Temperature Variations within an Ambulance Drug Box.”
15.) Summer research assistant’s stipends (Vince Mosesso, MD and Cliff Callaway, MD 4-7-02).
16.) Dr. Tom Auble- underwrites a portion of his salary so that he may continue his efforts of applying for important research grants.
17.) Dr. Jim Menegazzi’s emergency medicine research lab.
18.) Research study on, “The Effects of Increased Ambient Pressure on Pseudoephedrine and Dimenthydrinate.”
19.) Support of the pilot project of EMS Based-Home Health Promotion in Fayette County.
20.) Production of a First Aid Brochure.
21.) Computerized ventilator testing and training systems, which offer adult and infant lung simulation so that one can test, improve and practice current life saving procedures.
22.) Underwriting for the Center for Emergency Medicine and STAT MedEvac Anniversary Conference.
23.) Travel expenses to send students to the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Conference.
24.) Multi-media education and Research Project: An Interactive Video with two high powered Computers that allow the Center to enter the Market of Designing (Tom Platt 1993).
25.) Hepatitis B Immunization Follow-Up in Public Safety Personnel.
26.) Hypertonic Saline for the Treatment of Cyclic Antidepressant Overdose.
27.) Bag-valve mask versus demand valve and automated transport ventilation by EMTs: Which is most efficacious?
28.) Surgical versus percutaneous cricothyrotomy: Performance by Aeromedical Personnel.
29.) Evaluation of unstable cervical spine movement with the application of cricoid pressure: An Assessment of Alternative Techniques.
30.) Historical and Electrocardiograph reis factors for mortality, sudden death and significant arrhythmia in emergency department patients.
31.) Research study of, “Intramuscular Ketorolac versus Oral Ibuprofen in Acute Musculoskeletal Pain.”
32.) Funding for a high-end lap top computer.
33.) Research study on videotapes to music. Purchase of equipment (TV, VCR and video tapes).
34.) Funding for the Society of Emergency Medical Services project.
35.) Emergency Medicine Research Training Fellowship
36.) Research study on, “Alternative methods of Prehospital Ventilation in a Pediatric Model.”
37.) Research study on the, “Two thumbs versus two-finger chest compression during CPR in an experimental infant model.”
38.) Research study on, “The Effect of Nitrous Oxide Analgesia on Pneumothorax.”
39.) Research study on, “The Effects of Hyperventilation on Cerebral Blood Flow in an Experimental Acute Epidural Mass Lesion.”
40.) A randomized prospective trial of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning. (Ron Roth, MD 11-31-91).
41.) Research study on the, “Prevention of Diarrhea in Polluted Water Scuba Divers.”
42.) Purchase of a Triac Centrifuge System.
43.) Funding for Andy Ambulance- a community education program.
44.) Research study on, “The Effects of Music on Pain and Anxiety during Laceration repair.”
45.) Research study on, “NMR Spectroscopy as an Objective Correlate of Carbon Monoxide Toxicity.”
46.) Research study on the, “Effects of 50% Nitrous Oxide Inhalation on Pneumothorax in Swine.”
47.) Research study on the, “Effects of Mannitol on Cerebral Blood Flow in a Primate Model of Epidural Mass Lesion Using XeI33 Enhanced CT.”
48.) Research study entitled, “An Experimental Algorithm for the Treatment of Prolonged Ventricular Fibrillation in a Swine Model.”
49.) Research study entitled, “Deep versus Shallow Endobronchial Drug Administration in Cardiac Arrest.”
50.) Research study called, “Extra Corporeal Life Support in Treatment of Acute Verapamil Toxicity.”
51.) Research study about the, “Effects of Sodium Bicarbonate on Intramyocardial and Intracerebral Ph, ATP and Phosphocreatine Using p31, NMR Spectroscopy.”
52.) Research study called, “The Effects of the Ventilatory Method on Pneumothorax Volume in a Swine Model.”
53.) Research study entitled, “Intraosseous Infusion Distal to Inflated Pneumatic Anti-shock Garment in a Model of Hypovolemic Shock.”
54.) Research study dealing with, “Hypertonic Saline in the Treatment of Nortriptyline Toxicity.”
55.) Research study on the, “Neurologic Outcome from Ventricular Fibrillation Cardiac Arrest and CPR in a Rodent Model.”
56.) Research study entitled the, “Effectiveness of Ventilation During In-Water Rescue.”
57.) Research study entitled, “Double-Blind Controlled Trial of Nalmefene versus Naloxone in the Treatment of Narcotic and Mixed Drug Overdose.”
58.) Research study called, “The Safety and Efficacy of Adenosine in Treating Supraventricular Tachycardia in the Prehospital Setting.”
59.) Research study concerning a, “Double Blind Controlled Trial of High Dose Epinephrine in the Treatment of Prehospital Cardiac Arrest.”
60.) Research study known as, “The External Automated Defibrillation by First Responder (Non-EMT) Basic Rescuers.”
61.) Research study about, “A Prospective Multiple Regression Model for the Prediction of Bacteremia in the Elderly.”
62.) Research study called the, “Effects of Empiric Glucose Administration in the Prehospital Setting.”
63.) Research study entitled, “Prospective Evaluation of Revised Trauma Team Activation Criteria.”
64.) “Cervical Spine Immobilization: Vacuum Mattress Versus Long Spine Board,” a research study.
65.) “Needle less Jet Injection versus Standard Injection for Administration or Local Anesthetics,” a research study.
66.) A research study entitled, “Accuracy of Paramedic Electrocardiogram Interpretation.”
67.) A research study concerning the, “Usefulness of S-T Segment Analysis in the Prehospital Treatment of Chest Pain.”
68.) Research study on the, “Manual Translaryngeal Ventilation in a Pediatric Model.”
69.) Research study dealing with the, “Validity of a Disposable End-tidal CO2 Detector in Verifying Endotracheal Tube Position in Infants and Children.”
70.) Research study conducted about, “Cerebral Phosphate NMR (P-NMR) Spectroscopy as an Objective Correlate of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Toxicity: A Pilot Study.”
71.) Research study called, “The Effectiveness of Interactive Videodisc as an Instructional Instrument for Paramedic Students.”
72.) Funding for the rodent laboratory and equipment (Cliff Callaway)
73.) Multiple dose of activated charcoal regimens- Pittsburgh Poison Center
74.) “Intramuscular Ketorolac Versus Oral Ibuprofen in Acute Musculoskeletal Pain,” a research study.
75.) Research study on, “A Prediction Rule to Identify Low-risk Patients with Community Acquired Pneumonia.”
76.) Research study called, “The Use of Child Restraints within Ground EMS Vehicles: A National Survey.”
77.) Research study on, “The Challenge to Medical Research in a Cost-competitive Environment.”
78.) Funding for the, “Multimedia Interactive Emergency Department patient Discharge Instruction.”
79.) Funding for the hardware, software and technical assistance to help prehopital emergency personnel reach the next appropriate level in information technology super highway.
80.) Travel expenses for the Fraternal Association of Professional Paramedics (Pittsburgh EMS) to attend the National EMS Memorial.
81.) Research study in the, “prevalence of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in fire rescue personnel in South Florida.” (Michael Dailey, MD 4-7-00)
82.) Funding for the investigation of the use of a laptop-based GPS locator system in the resident’s response vehicle will improve their ability to respond more effectively to emergency calls. (Paul Beck, MD)
83.) Research study in the physiological, mechanical and other factors of trauma patients that are transported by aeromedical services.
84.) Research study in the area of scuba divers risk taking characteristics and comprehensive health survey of scuba divers. (Kevin O’Toole, MD 3-7-00)
85.) Research study in the area of incidence of clinically significant blood electrolyte abnormalities in runners who finish a marathon. (Cliff Callaway)
86.) Purchase of the Registrar, a software package which is specifically designed to enable the registration process of instruction in EMS, emergency medicine, CPR and First Aid. (Greg Margolis 2-16-99).
87.) Funding for the Pittsburgh Wellness Information Network website. (Paul Paris, MD 1-12-98)
88.) Research study in the area of asthma care education. (Dan Swayze 10-24-02)
89.) Research study in the area of Cyclobenzaprine in Acute Myofascial Strain. (Mike Turturro, MD 10-24-00)
90.) Research study in the area of sedative agents used in pediatric trauma patients. (Chris King, MD)
91.) Save-A-Life Saturday sponsor. (Center for Emergency Medicine 7-7-99)
92.) Research study in the, “Effects of Increased Ambient Pressure on Pseudoephedrine and Dimenhydrinate.” (Nick Schwartz, MD 8-26-97)
93.) “Sedative Agents used in Pediatric Patients,” a research study. (Jackie Weaver, MD 8-14-00)
94.) Research study on the, “Differences in Analgesia in Oral versus Parenteral NSAID’s.”
95.) AED research project- “Untrained volunteers’ ability to operate an automatic external defibrillator.” (Margaret Hsieh, MD 11-17-00).
96.) Prehospital Airway Collaborative Evaluation (PACE), Phase I. (Henry Wang, MD 3-27-01)
97.) Motivational Interviewing Research. (Dan Swayze 10-12-00)
98.) Survey of Rescue Airway Utilization by EMS Services in the United States. (David Hostler, PhD 1-30-02)
99.) Summer research student, Aaron Flagg. (Cliff Callaway, MD, Jim Menegazzi, PhD, Henry Wang, MD 4-2-02)
100.) Travel expenses for Mark Pinchalk, City of Pittsburgh Paramedic, to research forum in Kansas City, EMS Today Conference. Mr. Pinchalk received Best Research Award for the paper, “Comparison of Intubation Time in a Simulated Trauma Patient in Two Positions.” (David Hostler, PhD 4-3-02)
101.) Occupational Injuries in an Air Medical Program. (TJ Doyle, MD 7-10-02)
102.) Summer Research student, Jonathan Bloom. (Vince Mosesso, MD 7-10-02)
103.) Prehospital Airway Collaborative Evaluation, Phase II (PACE II). (Henry Wang, MD 9-18-02)
104.) Vasopressin in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. (Cliff Callaway, MD 9-18-02)
105.) “Prospective Randomized Trial Comparing Local Anesthetic to Oral Pain Medication in the Treatment of Acute Dental Pain Presenting to the Emergency Department.” (Michael Turturro, MD and Jake O’Shea, MD 11-20-02)
106.) Travel Expenses for paramedic degree students traveling to the JEMS conference. (Tom Platt 1-22-03)
107.) Research Summer Student, Julius Castillo. (Jim Menegazzi, PhD 5-21-03)
108.) Prehospital Needs Assessment for the West Indies Island Nation of Dominica. (Adrianne Sever, Ian Greenwald, MD, Walt Stoy, PhD – 8-20-03)
109.) UPMC South Side Hospital Open House. (Mark Hopkins 8-20-03)
110.) Investigating Factors that Determine Survival in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. (Bruce Lo, MD 8-20-03)
111.) Determining the Effectiveness of Oral Prochlorperazine for the Treatment of Migraine Headache. (Nathan Heaps, MD 11-12-03)
112.) Travel expenses for City Paramedic to travel to EMS Today National Conference in Salt Lake City to present oral presentation on airway management. (Mark Pinchalk 2-12-04)
113.) Travel expenses for medical student, David Miller, to travel to NAEMSP annual meeting in Tucson to present abstract and research project, Feasibility of Sternal Intraosseous Use by Basic-Level EMTs. (Henry Wang, MD 4-12-04)
114.) Physical Endurance of Emergency Medical Services Personnel While Wearing Personal Protective Equipment. (William Northington, MD 4-12-04)
115.) Center for Emergency Medicine of Western Pennsylvania Paramedic Program Palm Pilot FISDAP program. (Bob Seitz 8-30-04)
116.) Research Fellowship for third year medical student Amy Betz. (Clif Callaway, MD 8-30-04)
117.) Pain Management Research. (Alison Abiri, MD 8-30-04)
118.) Paramedic Perceptions of Intubation Adverse Events and Errors. (Henry Wang, MD 11-22-04)
119.) Mass Community Pneumonia Vaccination study. (Mark Pincalk, EMT-P 11-22-04)
120.) Travel expenses for medical student and fellowship recipient, Amy Betz for Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Conference in New York City. (Paper Presentation) (Jim Menegazzi, PhD 4-25-05)
121.) Paramedic Student Endotracheal Intubation Training Experience. (Bradford Johnston, MD 4-25-05)
122.) Travel expenses for fourth year medical student Aaron Lesson to CDC National Injury Prevention and Control Conference in Denver, CO. (Henry Wang, MD 4-25-05)
123.) Purchase of “Andy the Ambulance” for Emed Health. (Dan Swayze 4-25-05)
124.) Effects of Airway Interventions on Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation. (Henry Wang, MD 6-1-05)
125.) An Analysis of EMS Malpractice Claims. (Henry Wang, MD10-19-05)
126.) An Evaluation of Calcium Pre-Treatment for the Prevention of Hypotension with Intermittent Intravenous Diltiazem for Rapid Atrial Fibrillation. (Gary Pollack, MD, Michael Lynch, MD 1-25-06)
127.) Summer research intern, Center for Emergency Medicine of Western Pennsylvania. (James Menegazzi, PhD 4-26-06)
128.) Survival of Verapamil Poisoned Pigs Treated with Triiodothyronine Therapy for Porcine Verapamil Toxicity. (Kenneth Katz, MD 4-26-06)
129.) Emergency Responder Human Performance Lab. (David Hostler, PhD 10-23-06)
130.) Travel expenses for third year medical student Josh Reynolds to American Heart Association Meeting to present paper on “Drug Administration in Animal Studies of Cardiac Arrest Does Not Reflect Human Clinical Experience”. (James Menegazzi PhD 10-23-06)
131.) National Survey of EMS Physicians on Post Cardiac Arrest Hypothermia. (James Menegazzi PhD 4-23-06)
132.) Laboratory Study to Determine the Optimum Amount of CPR Before Shocking. (James Menegazzi PhD 4-23-06)
133.) Cognitive Processing During Prehospital Airway Management. (Sandra Katz DA, Henry Wang, MD 4-23-06)
134.) Emed Health Grant Writing. (Daniel Patterson PhD 11-29-06)
135.) Feasibility and Utility of Handheld Lactate Meters in the Prehospital Setting. (Peter Simon, MD, Brian Suffoletto, MD 11-29-06)
136.) Neurocognitive Testing of Emergency Department Pateints with Head Injuries. (Henry Wang, MD 3-06-07)
137.) Evaluation of Emergency Medicine Resident Training and Practice of Sexual Assault Evidence Collection. (Robert Sanders, MD 3-06-07)
138.) Cardiac Survivors’ Attitudes Toward Emergency Research. (Margaret Hsieh, MD 6-06-07)
139.) Neurocognitive Assessment of Concussion in the Pediatric Emergency Department Using IMPACT. (Danny Thomas, MD 6-06-07)
140.) The Effects of Acetadote on Prothrombin Time in Plasma Samples from Healthy Subjects. (David Jang, MD and Tony Pizon, MD 6-06-07)
141.) EMS Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (Henry Wang, MD 6-06-07)
142.) Firefighter Physiology in the Workplace. (David Hostler, PhD 8-01-07)
143.) Costs of Turnover in Emergency Medical Services. (Daniel Patterson, PhD 11-27-07)
144.) Prehospital Post Cardiac Arrest ROSC Hypothermia Protocol. (Mark Pinchalck, EMT-P 11-27-07)
145.) Youth Emergency Preparedness Project (YEPP). (Jonathan Reis 4-4-08)
146.) Time to Invasive Airway and Outcomes after In-Hospital Cardiopulmonary Arrest. (Matthew Wong, MPH 4-4-08)
147.) The Effect of Intralipid on Colchicine Toxicity in the Marine Model. David Jang, MD and Matthew Rivenburgh, MD 4-4-08)
148.) Force Required to Dislodge Alternate Airway Devices. Jestin Carlson, MD 4-4-08)
149.) Use of the AirTraq Optical Laryngoscope in Difficult Airways. (Frank Guyette, MD 6-3-08)
150.) Summer research intern for Center for Emergency Medicine of Western Pennsylvania. (Jim Menegazzi, PhD 6-3-08)
151.) Objective Measures of Prehospital Resuscitation. (Christian Martin-Gill, MD 12-3-08)
152.) The Effect of Communication Patterns in the ED on Quality and Performance. (Daniel Patterson PhD 12-3-08)
153.) Thomas Tube Holder Extubation Force. (Jestin Carlson, MD 4-1-09)
154.) The Effect of Acetadote on Coagulation Factors on Plasma Samples from Healthy Subjects. (David Jang, MD; Anthony Pizon, MD 4-1-09)
155.) Comparison of Venous and Capillary Lactate and Sampling Techniques. (Jaime Jordan, MD 10-1-09)
156.) Center for Emergency Medicine of Western Pennsylvania Scholarship Program. (10-1-09)
157.) Team and Relationship Building. (Daniel Patterson, PhD 10-1-09)
158.) Human Performance Lab. (David Hostler, PhD 10-1-09)
159.) Effects of Intralipid on Colchicine Toxicity in the Rat Model. (Matthew Rivenburgh, MD 10-1-09)
160.) Factors Influencing Repeat Emergency Department Visits. (Kelly Close, MD 12-1-10)
161.) Physiological Effects of Lower Extremity Compression Garments in a Hot Working Environment. (Joe Suyama, MD 12-1-10)
162.) Center for Emergency Medicine of Western Pennsylvania Scholarship Program. (6-1-11)
163.) EMS and Disaster Preparedness in Israel. (Bob McCaughan and Joe Schmider 6-1-11)
164.) Use of Computerized Modules for Prehospital Provider EKG Teaching. (Adam Frisch, MD 8-1-11)
165.) Use of Computerized Case Based Modules for Prehospital Provider Toxicology Education. (Michele Dorfsman, MD 8-1-11)
166.) Preshock Pause Intervals and Rearrest after Resuscitation from Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest. (Allison Koller 11-14-11)
167.) Extra Corporeal Membranous Oxygenation during Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation: A Pilot Study. (Josh Reynolds, MD 11-14-11)
168.) Association Between Partner Familiarity Teamwork and Safety Outcomes. (Daniel Patterson, PhD 3-6-12)
169.) YMCA CPR Training. (Jonathan Lever 3-6-12)
170.) Assessing the Utility of Providing Home Based Self Instruction Kits to Survivors of Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest. (Ankur Doshi, MD 6-5-12)
171.) Heart Rate Variability in Marathon Runners and Risk of Sudden Death. (David Hostler, PhD 2-25-13)
172.) Incidence, Outcomes, Characteristics and Optimal Therapies for Overdose Related Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest. (James Menegazzi, PhD 6-4-13)
173.) Efficacy of eDUS2 Ultrasound Simulator for Teaching the RUSH Exam to 1st Year Residents. (Marek Radomski, DO 8-27-13)
174.) Dexmedetomadine to Suppress Shivering. (Jon Rittenberger, MD 12-9-13)
175.) Cognitive and Physical Activity in Patients during the Initial Recovery Period of Acute Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. (Stephanie Huang, MS 1 and Brian Suffoletto, MD 3-3-14)
176.) Real-Time Assessment of Sleepiness and Fatigue in Emergency Medicine Workers. (Daniel Patterson, PhD, 9-15-14)
177.) Incidence and Management of Anaphylaxis in the Prehospital Setting (Justin Tennyson, MD 12-18-14)
178.) Beyond Resuscitation: AEDs as Public Health Information Resources. (David Salcido, PhD, Sara Tisherman 3-3-15)
179.) Determining if Capnography Monitoring can Provide more Sensitive and Reproducible Methods for the Detecting Elevated Magnesium Levels during Magnesium Sulfate Infusion for the Treatment of Pre-Eclampsia. (Duane Eisaman 6-1-15)
180.) Test for Independent Association Between Initial Destination Hospital and Long Term Survival after SCA/test for Independent Association Between Final Destination Hospital and Long Term Survival after SCA. (Frank Guyette, MD and Arvind Venkat, MD 9-14-15)
181.) Andy the Ambulance Community Outreach. (Brian McCaffrey, Baldwin EMS 9-14-15)
182.) Cognitive Testing after Cardiac Arrest: International Prevalence and Perspectives. (Allison Koller 9-14-15)
183.) Racial, Socioeconomic and Gender Disparities in Long Term Outcomes of Cardiac Arrest Survivors in Pittsburgh. (Jonathan Elmer, MD 2-29-16)
184.) Predicting Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Depressive Symptoms in Emergency Department Patients following Acute Traumatic Injury. (Maria Pacella PhD 2-29-16)
185.) Underrepresented Minority Summer Research Project. (Ankur Doshi, MD 6-6-2016)
186.) Use of Interleukin 17A, Integrin a961, and CD11b to Distinguish Aspiration Pneumonia from Non-Infectious Lung Inflammation in Post-Cardiac Arrest Syndrome. (Alexandra Weissman, MD 8-14-2016)
187.) The Pittsburgh Acute Response to Stressful Events Study. (Maria Pacella, MD 11-14-2016)
188.) Keynote Speaker at the Carlow University Suicide Awareness and Prevention for EMS Providers Symposium (Sheila Roth, PhD 7-24-2017)
189.) Accounting for the Variability of the Osmol Gap in Acute Ethanol Intoxication. (Anthony Pizon, MD 10-23-2017)
190.) Underrepresented Minority Summer Research Project (Ankur Doshi, MD 10-23-2017)
191.) EMS Point of Care Ultrasound in Cardiac Arrest. (James Fitzgibbon, MD 10-23-2017)
192.) Pittsburgh Prehospital Care Registry. (Christian Martin-Gill, MD 2-21-2018)
193.) The Relationship between Ambulatory Blood Pressure and Shift Work Schedules in EMS – A Feasibility Study. (Daniel Patterson, PhD 11-26-2018)
194.) Relative, Perceived and Actual Work of CPR in Professional and Lay-Person Populations. (Katharyn Flickinger, PhD 2-13-2019)
195.) Scholarship Fund – Funding 3 Paramedic Students. (Nicole Cecchini – Center for Emergency Medicine of Western Pennsylvania 2-13-2019)
196.) Relative, Perceived and Actual Work of CPR in Prefessional and Lay-Person Populations (Katharyn Flickinger, PhD 2-13-2019) $4,000
197.) Scholarship Fund – Funding 3 Paramedic Students (Nicole Cecchini – Center for Emergency Medicine of Western Pennsylvania 2-13-2019) $1,500
198.) Underrepresented Minority Summer Research Project (Ankur Doshi, MD 2-17-2019) $6,000
199.) Scholarship Fund – Funding 5 Paramedic Students (Nicole Cecchini – Center for Emergency Medicine of Western Pennsylvania 11-4-2019) $5,000
200.) LUCAS Device (City of Pittsburgh Paramedics 2-17-2020) $5,000
201.) Underrepresented Minority Summer Research Project (Ankur Doshi, MD 4-17-2020) $6,000
202.) Pandemic grant fund (62 EMS Services, 10 Counties 8-19-2020) $23,000
203.) The Method of Adenosine Administration for the Termination of SVT (MAATS) Trial (Nicholas George, MD 11-17-2020) $1,000
204.) Single Cell RNA Sequencing of Brain-Resident and Brain-Infiltrating Immune Cells following Global Ischemic-Reperfusion (Tanner Smida, MRENT-B, David Salcido, MPH, PhD 4-19-2021) $1769.94
205.) AED Retrieval Study (James Menegazzi, PhD 7-28-2021) $3,000
206.) Multi-Center Effort to Train EM Residents in Communicating with Critically Ill Patients (Simon Ostrowski, MD 7-28-2021) $3,000
207.) Underrepresented Minority Summer Research Project (Ankur Doshi, MD 10-25-2021) $6,000
208.) Examining the Relationship between Psychosocial Safety Climate and EMS Workers’ Mental Health (Maria Pacelle-LaBarbara, PhD 5-4-2022) $5,000
209.) Underrepresented Minority Summer Research Project (Ankur Doshi, MD 11-2-2022) $8,000
210.) Scholarship Program – Funding 5 Paramedic Students (Nicole Cecchini – Center for Emergency Medicine of Western Pennsylvania 2-8-2023) $5,000
211.) Longitudinal Emergency MEDICal Service CARDIOvascular Health Status Study (The Medic Cardio Study) (Daniel Patterson, PhD, Thomas Platt EdD 2-8-2023) $5,000
212.) Developing LifeSaver Hub: A Computerized Logistics Platform for Lifesaving Skills Training Programs (Ankur Doshi, MD 10-25-2023) $5,000
213.) Underrepresented Minority Summer Research Project (Ankur Doshi, MD 12-31-2023) $8,000